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Freelance Data Keyers

Freelance Data Keyers

Job title: Freelance Data Keyers
# f4 i# _1 y$ d3 {* WAbout the position:
3 @, {8 g' v" m  i    Freelance workers are required to enter data online for a minimum , ^3 T( i6 y9 {3 d, |. z
    commitment of 16 hours per week. % I! M) Z0 x0 w1 J

4 |- z0 T. @# y8 ?Employer: UCTV Digital Ltd
! ]. W5 u- T+ Y+ Y0 y& a" f0 NAbout the organisation:
0 N3 o! F. G- V: c9 w( T( d( a& r    Website development.
9 f3 j5 O* \9 s( Z, q. K% k. O2 K0 I  J: U4 Q. P" ~
Location: Home-based# g% W7 E9 H; \* B$ |
Number of vacancies: 65 e! B2 s# Z  Q3 Q9 k
6 o  V& ~, N( b7 s
Qualifications required:/ V+ m3 t- z' F& o$ r/ _
    Degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline. 8 S# `1 a  a4 \" _
) J" W( u% Q) g
Extra skills:
' K% X, X8 h$ D4 s    Fluent in English with fast Internet connection, a PC with
" V8 X: S9 x  N7 `, X) N# t    headset, MS Office, a Skype username and Web dexterity.
7 G6 D: M; e! d8 N& g/ I- `( a9 I) q0 T) n
Salary details: £7 per hour6 o" Z2 z8 r4 R6 j1 d& c, n6 B
How to apply:
( Q  A/ h5 U+ `/ k/ `    Send CV and CL via e-mail: gordon.lee@uctv.org
8 ?+ Y, R# X9 q7 J7 U+ T" m4 u
% [1 {9 I1 G, u( {$ BClosing date: none given5 o- V# p9 F- I+ h7 B
Website: www.studentmash.com
MSN/EMAIL: cnmanchester@hotmail.com