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Another exciting job offered by UK company

Another exciting job offered by UK company

SQE / Project Manager
" T/ F/ W2 W6 l% v' R' ?" {  AShanghai, up to £20K  ; ?$ c( a( ?: N6 T
% F6 E6 u) I6 F, f, Z9 x2 D

5 J- w. |; ?: z. u& t) OOur client is an UK manufacture based in the north west of England. They currently employ 144 people in UK with a turnover of approx $30M. They also have two companies in China and one in India.
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They now require a bilingual SQE/Project Manager to work out of their facility near Shanghai.1 Y& D7 u3 E' h1 g# y3 S

& C. n% ]0 c5 N- z3 I! U" J7 qHe/She will interface with existing supply base, developing key performance metrics and insuring good quality parts to the assembly and test facilities around the world.
8 s1 U+ a2 q, u: S6 n9 m. w3 x) t1 f- |" x
See details at http://www.chinesegraduate.com/manufacturing.php
# h9 U; C  m7 s - c& [* k! R  x: X3 v5 V- [
To apply, please send your CV and Covering letter to:     Ged@ChineseGraduate.com.