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Part-time Job at Vermilion and Cinnabar

Part-time Job at Vermilion and Cinnabar

本帖最后由 Jasian 于 2009-9-6 12:00 编辑 9 p- |- r0 w( n8 ?/ Y# G. b

* P9 K4 F  \, p) ^* PVermilion and Cinnabar is a high class Thai restaurant with a bar floor as well./ g  W6 g. B+ h& X2 C1 k5 x
Thai food and other Asian fusion are served in th restaurant.
/ M+ }8 `+ C! h. @- p- o) K( [3 z" G% ]& F" Q* g8 J
We are looking for hardworking and outgoing individuals who want to have a part-time job and gain experience in hospitality industry.7 @7 J$ K. H! ~% u) W# z
$ C  @1 b' I: f4 s# o
5 r! ^' e, K9 CWaitress or Waiter in restaurant or bar4 l! E1 n9 E" E7 J8 V
8 d5 m' ^: @3 H+ f: |* i2 S
Requirements: 3 C; ?- i" l! C" i: h( m
Capable of communicating in English
1 A2 H# `+ w. b3 t$ q8 HLegal to work in U.K. (student visa is fine)$ R/ E7 Q$ W& h* }
National Insurance Numer  N; j/ N  g4 b; e3 k/ n5 b9 f$ I
Hardworking+ K% ?7 {# N2 j$ H: J
Good at teamworking
8 R3 Q; W. L# k0 H: f0 V1 \, x$ s& Z1 M
Salary: £5.73 per hour Paid through bank account on weekly basis
7 B4 J8 u( @- S# t9 XBenefits: free staff food, free staff transportation after 10 pm, tips sharing# R' v5 V* N- q6 Q

" S% a9 e: B+ G) n5 o8 l+ SLocation: very close to city centre (5mins by bus 76)
" Q  o$ _. U3 Z8 U$ n' f! d( a  X; O6 S* ^9 [4 B
If you are interested, please send your English CV to Mr. Dikendrag, reservations@vermilioncinnabar.com
/ @" r2 q1 Q( k/ M6 V) N- M. P/ A
. N' R  O- {, \1 Z+ z: M9 jMore information can be found at
& ^) S( P1 @" }+ M; |# j6 J+ ]. dwww.vermilioncinnabar.com
( U/ q+ K' Z  A" `8 t) Q+ V! r. K9 z7 ]1 h; y8 W
Vermilion & Cinnabar; \3 A8 s$ ?  w' D* B$ ]
Lord North Street/ Hulme Hall Lane
) C, R* R3 N7 c9 ^% U, Y6 QMiles Platting
$ R8 T( _+ c& ZManchester. M40 8AD8 g; m! m# y- z/ U, l: o, b) N
T: 0161 202 0055
8 I& x- u: W; y- R9 u- K2 h8 F5 SF: 0161 205 8222
£5.75 per hour Paid through bank account on weekly basis( y# I# v* w6 N4 h9 o3 i
那是不是需要National insurance number???
Yes the NI number is needed" I3 q. T: a) y( a& y6 k+ [* G
It's easy to apply one
2 }* K8 v/ K! J& n# Fgo to the internet
+ N; v; v4 `5 r$ u: s6 w. pfind out the telephone number for applying the NI numer
5 t9 n  J& R& \. n. Qpeople will tell u what to do next
5 D; `) p' E. G$ H. b5 c! xno charge at all