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Part Time Leaflet Distributor

Part Time Leaflet Distributor

Job title: Part Time Leaflet Distributor  n! |; @, {1 a/ |) {+ @$ `
About the position:
2 w/ B9 H2 M5 W    Postholders will deliver leaflets, with shifts to suit.
$ h9 V# H; a% y+ H* s$ c+ Z        5 r& s) s7 U' l& x
Employer: A6 Windows Ltd
: s) j+ L* }& Y8 r- o- PAbout the organisation:" e' ~( A) X5 f- C# q$ Y
    Double glazing company.   H6 A1 b; ^+ M' c
2 w9 p3 I2 N, u4 l( E6 C" o9 OLocation: Greater Manchester! D3 ]& j% v! }: y6 F
Number of vacancies: 32 n: E7 g0 h9 g! K$ u
8 d; D! \( }7 p9 C
Salary details: £30 per thousand leaflets
+ T6 Z" ]5 e4 J# e! IHow to apply:
( b' f  A) y1 n    Send CV and CL via email: a6windows@hotmail.com $ {+ N! p. X+ }5 x( i2 q
  m3 p' S( ?* ZClosing date: none given' a2 Q  E) o( r3 s  S8 s
Website: www.a6windows.co.uk
MSN/EMAIL: cnmanchester@hotmail.com