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有誰的論文或作業需要proofread嗎?, 是英國人,他只收£10.00 = 2,000 word

有誰的論文或作業需要proofread嗎?, 是英國人,他只收£10.00 = 2,000 word

我的英國同學人很好,他知道英文對international student來說很困難,寫essay時文法和文章架構可能都有問題,他想幫同學proof read essay順便賺點零用錢,我不敢說他是非常非常專業的proofreader,但我知道他的作業每科成績至少都拿75分以上。
( b0 p' Q0 z* {3 M  ~1 f: ]- L) a/ p
收費標準如下:* G; N  V& E& X& g
£10.00 = 2,000 word essay proof read with highlight of mistakes
6 M# G. j+ E6 k. a0 X1 H1 Y+ P. ~/ B4 J9 D5 J1 E
£15.00 = 2,000 word essay proof read with highlight and explanation of mistakes so that person can learn and improve their english prose, so that they will hopefully need less essays to be marked. This would include up to 1 hours explanation sitting down and talking through the essays and explaining mistakes and possible solutions improvements.
, D0 M" k+ ^( R" s: P% ?
3 }; s$ {9 P, zIf people are interested my email is: proof.read.helper@gmail.com! f+ O$ n3 {0 l& s
Please identify that people should state on the email;
2 m( f5 i; N2 h. J, Z+ h, W- Name
' L8 u2 _1 ~. O- u8 m# R- Course4 q7 k# M/ a- h: T6 z/ i3 U
- Deadline Date- \" ^4 |+ R- p4 h- j
- Requirements from me/ their enquiry
+ c, X' }8 F( T; v- A contact email of phone number  L+ \5 ?  P/ O4 p' R
1 e* e: A7 C: ~: T8 z0 ]
我會建議同學使用第二個收費標準,他會詳細解釋你的essay問題並且和你討論你寫作上應該注意和改進的地方,我想這個對同學在之後的寫作上會有很大的幫助!( Z; W) `8 ?5 I2 w6 O
  _- Y! C- u" z0 e; ^
有任何問題都可以隨時詢問我喔~ chinchiyu@pchome.com.tw
$ o' ]* Q7 V2 ~9 Q2 s) `祝 大家順利畢業!!* H. a. B5 `" Y

# Y, _( V0 e+ C8 H[ 本帖最后由 Rui_ 于 2009-2-23 01:21 编辑 ]