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Some items for selling
1. 一台DVD机,DVD该有的基本功能都有吧,但是没有连接电视跟DVD之间的线,就是那种2头都是红黄白莲花插口的线,很容易在一般店子里可以购到。。。。。。5 pounds
2. Organizational Behaviour An Introductory Text fifth edition……15 pounds

3. Principles and Practice of Marketing 4th edition……15 pounds

4. The Economic Environment of Business 1st edition……10 pounds

5. International Business 3rd edition……15 pounds

6. Quantitative Approaches in Business Studies sixth edition……10 pounds

7. Exploring Corporate Strategy 7th edition……10 pounds

8. Marketing Research second European Edition……15 pounds

9. Markets and Competition……15 pounds
Compiled by: Richard Cleary, Barbara Ingham, Paul Wieteska and Graham Wood
University of Salford
10. Sociology 4th edition……5 pounds

11. International Marketing……10 pounds

12. Principles of Marketing 4th European Edition……10 pounds

13. The Sociology of Work 3rd edition……5 pounds

14. Business Statistics 4th edition……3 pounds

15. Accounting An introduction 3rd edition……15 pounds

16. Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists 4th editon……5 pounds

17. Global Business Information Technology……20 pounds

18. Economics for business……8 pounds

19. Casebook on General Management in Asia Pacific……40 pounds
20. Management Information System 9th edition……15 pounds

21. 送一本叫 write great essays 的书。。。如果你想要

22. NOKIA 1GB MICRO SD带读卡器……5 pounds(正品)

23. 国内买的8个孔的有线路由器,即插即用(没有无线功能)……5 pounds
24. 送一个牌子叫DELUX多彩的摄像头。。。如果你用的着,国内买的(没驱动了,不过网上有的下)
25. 摩托罗拉无线耳机带充电器,一直放着没啥用……5 pounds
26. 外置4口的USB2.0连接器,就是多4个扩展口,如果你觉得电脑USB的口子不够用,这个东西就有用武之地了(之前ARGOS买的),也是被搁置的东西……5 pounds
27. 另外有2根索爱手机跟电脑的数据线,一根MINI B型5 pin的USB数据线,谁要送谁。
暂时这么多,真累- -
有意者MSN联系 kingzhoushuo@Hotmail.com
或者电话联系 07789697813
PS: 本人在曼城
书买多价钱还可以商量,不然就准备捐给city library了