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关于Whitworth Park

关于Whitworth Park

就想问一下各位学长学姐" K( V# T8 c  y
  Whitworth Park离法学院上课近吗?步行大约多久?
, a6 b: J& X7 p顺便问下WHIT-Acomb House.AC.G.10.XXX 房间如何?
# e2 T+ D3 v/ ^6 C  c; N0 D还有 好贵啊 竟然要近4000胖子
, \3 b" f$ v  v2 L* l, ^
8 c. n2 W) A5 {[ 本帖最后由 lafiel 于 2008-8-2 12:02 编辑 ]
WHIT-Acomb House.AC.G.10.XXX
7 R: t; k+ U1 r" R
1 h. @- w. d8 Z5 S& [( Ithis flat is on the ground floor, flat number should be 10. not bad....Acomb House is the only House in WP that only for Master student. Other house are shared with Under. You are luckey, acomb is quiet. But Acomb House is the oldest house in WP...so the room is not as good as other houses. ' L3 U& {% W2 i7 \3 Q. U
& u5 U2 X6 ~/ l8 |$ x7 V0 C- A# u8 z+ O
not far from law school, by walking, about 10-15mins, depends on your speed.
# W) K: c8 J$ D! G6 Z" `, z
) `( Z& D: F' \* J: n, J2 Y£4000 is already very cheap.........
/ a- Q5 \! Z& O7 M安全问题也比较头痛 好像较易被盗
~~~~~UP  UP~~!!!
6 ^2 c0 H( P; ^1 H5 X- `
; T! ^0 ]  n2 t; eI  am offered  WP  as  well,
' W1 ?: h7 g9 F1 \+ z/ cWhitworth Park  ,WHIT-Thorncliffe House ,TH.02.24.E
. ^! W- O7 E: Y$ H
- p; \- r5 X3 x) VI want to know which floor my room in?  and How??
3 l; K, o% r# t( {3 l: q# J. r* Z) _- G; ]: K6 I
* b0 U: O; U$ R我被分配到了acomb的AC.01.11.XXX
6 r! Y5 B4 _/ \! Q价钱确实太高了" M7 A+ }& X8 O0 q8 `9 v$ a' ~

回复 4# 等级:无业游民 的帖子

not too many buds, but do has lot of ants...hehehe....
~~~~~UP  UP~~!!!
3 C' n) h# b+ D4 Z5 X: _0 ~, s* g
! K8 G. N) ~. A. I0 r% @, Z8 wI  am offered  WP  as  well,
* O! f& P- `; }& ]Whitworth Park  ,WHIT-Thorncliffe House ,TH.02.24.E
( C7 V' b: c9 ?8 v2 d  B
* z" r; Y1 y1 Z6 JI want to know which floor my room in?  and How??
5 M5 C$ t/ d) _" W8 t/ P$ H0 R( ^3 q0 v& _3 \
1 E1 A1 T9 o3 ^# _) Zmaybe 01=second' H# q3 h9 Y8 I* o( ^0 _8 v& w3 l# N

回复 9# 等级:无业游民 的帖子

耶! 邻居耶! 将来互帮互助 多多指教阿
I'm living in Acomb House now : )
4 s& |, n6 t8 @With only PG students this house is literally very quiet and suitable for living, albeit the room is relatively small...much smaller than u expect. But it is fairly enough for single living anyway ; i  C/ j9 A. s) _2 v& x3 W
And it's within 10 mins walk (based on my speed) to Williamson Building where the Law School is located.
; R2 s% f9 w1 y3 E2 xBus stops of (41,42,43,142,143) just outside the residence, quite convenient.
% C! @' r' l, u2 C5 @
8 {5 t! j" A3 P10.xx的话是只有三个住的, 不过是GROUND FLOOR, 光线不大好, 如果你在9月初来的话还能留些东西给你呵呵

回复 13# 等级:无业游民 的帖子

7 O% L: d: K/ `8 ?8 ^4 k5 W! b啊~可惜我9月十几号才能来~~
ACOMB HOUSE的话只有G.10.XX是三个人的, 其他都是普通7-8人住的, 不过AC的房子都比较旧, 要做好心理准备
& K8 i& N" r) o# a* x02.03的话是在楼上, 光线应该还行, 房子很有可能不是平顶, 也就是说, 有可能是斜的, 虽然不影响居住, 也要有心理准备
各位前辈,我的宿舍是Whitworth Park,WHIT-Garstang house,GA,G,20,xxx,哪位前辈能说说这个怎么样啊,谢谢了
Whitworth Park, WHIT - Garstang House, GA.01.18.XXX
/ Y) Q( X8 ]! U9 X我只想问一下,有谁知道这是几楼?是否斜顶````

回复 17# 等级:无业游民 的帖子

ECHO 4.....哈哈~~~~.......& a* _1 |; I" p6 v! [8 q# e
6 Q5 ^4 f2 q" L# V9 D. y
& u0 ]1 D# t" `

回复 1# 等级:劳动工人 的帖子

我也是LE" s9 y( O# l7 ~) t3 o# i
Leamington House LE.B.10.G7 l. `8 q1 t% l  `$ S
) r7 `/ X1 ?: g( ~10?5 y5 r4 I: \5 D& n4 H: e0 J
; w2 R  Y  m/ b- \. [3 y8 A" B求解!!!!!!!!!!