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政治的for comparative politics0 B& h* J" j1 |6 E
经济的 economics by John sloman
+ W2 F3 o1 A7 B8 {2 R$ U* Kaccounting的 fundamentals of accounting
$ A3 t" i6 w3 t9 T# C, DSchool of Social Sciences的经济,会计和政治书3 x$ e+ Y* d1 ?6 `! t
经济:Economics by John Sloman   35镑. m  F" q* H+ S9 ^" \
会计:Fundamentals of Accounting  30镑
; Y, }0 [- e- c政治:Theories of the States   10镑
5 c9 u( W6 s* k2 G3 X7 B! n% [* U! K         Governing America   15镑( x7 b/ ~& M' p6 Y' R5 o( ^
         Governance and politics of China  10镑
& j/ J  Z1 |1 ~' U1 N3 d- _$ D! ]& V% P4 t

0 X* H# c: l9 }# q% y联系方式:Email:yixicheng1988@hotmail.com' B, ]6 r- n0 a5 U4 K! G
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