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低价卖2手书(Economics & Business)

低价卖2手书(Economics & Business)

全曼大也找不到这么便宜的2手书呀!Contact: 077 8685 8456。 要买的请发短信给这个号码。在 Arthur Lewis Building, Ground floor 取书。详细目录见下。
/ ?+ Z! j! v% x8 x5 C2 i1 V. n; s3 @& |
BOOK SALE (Economics & Business) $ e5 i& K9 p. z7 O
1. Postgraduate & 3 year undergraduate
" e/ s, j# R6 K! X7 v" UBorjas: Labor Economics (4th ed)- £5   H) a0 ]; ]& V
Jones: Introduction to Economic Growth (2nd ed)- £10 ( m, e  E3 X* @) ~
Romer: Advance Macroeconomics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
, n. f( G( q% w! nWooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
4 u6 H' \) v2 ^" s7 {6 j- WMas-Collel, A., Whinston, M. and Green, J. Microeconomic Theory - £15 (Almost new)
  @+ C8 G+ }& _' z  Q2. Undergraduate - 1st & 2nd year
6 f9 S/ n. r7 P& p& L) V. @Frank & Bernanke: Principles of Macro Economics (2nd ed)- £5
  Y- j' q, }0 w0 S+ `' rMankiw: Principles of Economics - £10
9 z$ |& n8 u/ o4 x' F0 Y* L3 p) Q; bBlanchard: Macroeconomics (3rd ed)- £10
( O# T+ _% {- ?6 k5 O( g2 ^Sydsæter, Knut and Peter Hammond: Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) ( d! k' |- k$ X
Varian: Microeconomics (6th ed)- £15 (Almost new)
7 I- ]" p" k+ D6 N6 q" U" [Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) 2 z' c/ l7 Z4 Y! V  P7 j
Palepu, Healy & Bernard: Business Analysis & Valuation (3rd)- £5
7 S/ x1 @+ d5 Q/ S" f4 ]9 WSharpe, Alexander & Bailey: Investments (6th ed)- £5
* o& O/ T8 |0 T* P6 v# ~Industrialization and Development by Hewitt, Johnson & Wield- £5 , c) l, n! w2 k0 Y& J3 H% X1 Q
Griffiths and Wall: Applied Economics (9th ed)- £10


8 U0 j; Y& U& r5 i* D' h/ [4 {1 G: ^  B+ [" N( {7 p/ p8 m- ^( E- {
现在更新书单,其他的昨天已经卖出啦。卖£5的是不太干净的(比如说有画过一些线)。 £10和 £15的基本上是新的,贱卖的原因是因为是以前的版本。; K7 T6 _1 V. O2 _" ~9 f3 Y' i( F2 ^# }

4 s; z' u6 P$ {' G( p& H& V" L: `
1 t7 H( `5 U4 bPostgraduate & 3 year undergraduate
% I8 `* v6 j$ N, p- ]7 u7 S1 `
7 Q: w& j7 w  L" m2 P/ o! wBorjas: Labor Economics (4th ed)- £5 5 z. C; u( [5 m9 p& t4 L9 y
Jones: Introduction to Economic Growth (2nd ed)- £10
2 w# S3 M7 _/ \4 r) C! e' yRomer: Advance Macroeconomics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
2 O8 {  p: U8 |Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) * p0 X0 M; A+ L8 I) ~
Varian: Microeconomic Analysis (3rd) - £15 (Almost new) 7 F8 R1 y  l. Z8 I8 J# ~! ?
Mas-Collel, A., Whinston, M. and Green, J. Microeconomic Theory - £15 (Almost new) ( g4 A! \! K& O
======================================================================" y) H. N# Q5 m' w
Undergraduate - 1st & 2nd year% _1 t; T3 w& |9 S

+ p- |& o! W0 G) p: j7 iFrank & Bernanke: Principles of Macro Economics (2nd ed)- £5 1 p! W+ A5 Q, M; X* Y4 s
Mankiw: Principles of Economics - £10 # \" D% c# w; X7 a
Blanchard: Macroeconomics (3rd ed)- £10
1 T$ S& C( q4 ]% U2 J0 g  J6 a" j% vSydsæter, Knut and Peter Hammond: Essential Mathematics for
6 z5 C! `. r0 v$ D% L& o  t4 XEconomic Analysis (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
- D0 t' d8 Q, y: DVarian: Microeconomics (6th ed)- £15 (Almost new)
' u+ ?$ J( |+ _Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) * ~, H2 K7 d% I1 Q' M/ N' d
Sharpe, Alexander & Bailey: Investments (6th ed)- £5 4 O+ l$ _) f* N+ s8 q: _  W
Industrialization and Development by Hewitt, Johnson & Wield- £5
' k0 S8 g7 i6 v# Y9 mGriffiths and Wall: Applied Economics (9th ed)- £10


% r2 g0 U+ }& \1 B; C
# u4 e" }* t' C2 E, w! X4 ^Postgraduate & 3 year undergraduate : B2 A& R- x$ a: p2 w! S

" L/ G3 E6 X3 @. u8 {  Y% i  }  PBorjas: Labor Economics (4th ed)- £5 , |9 a) ~* R* l
Jones: Introduction to Economic Growth (2nd ed)- £10 ( n( D7 t# ?( M* F3 n
Romer: Advance Macroeconomics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
/ O; x: F! I4 Q2 Q* AWooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
# @8 J: Z$ \) t1 {/ i- i9 S8 }Varian: Microeconomic Analysis (3rd) - £15 (Almost new) 6 E, g% A) ?- {! E& a
Mas-Collel, A., Whinston, M. and Green, J. Microeconomic Theory - £15 (Almost new)   P) `: m2 X: @) ?
! t# b: a6 J& z5 B1 E: N0 u4 m; q: dUndergraduate - 1st & 2nd year: Q& s6 |9 F5 c/ m1 E
# l$ `8 m) w$ Z5 \, Z7 m
Frank & Bernanke: Principles of Macro Economics (2nd ed)- £5 * i3 h* T( B3 J' E: {3 N$ r: h* ?
Mankiw: Principles of Economics - £10
% C7 m- d1 F+ P8 h0 r# tBlanchard: Macroeconomics (3rd ed)- £10   d! q, b& `( G- g  o  H, @
Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
, A/ M7 X6 Z$ L! X2 W% qSharpe, Alexander & Bailey: Investments (6th ed)- £5 . k# S3 a+ r! W, U; K
Industrialization and Development by Hewitt, Johnson & Wield- £5 * }% I; [) b6 {2 ?+ `3 ^
Griffiths and Wall: Applied Economics (9th ed)- £10


我想买Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
/ d& b. c% H" CQQ:9734882877 h- l/ y$ A  l* F) M4 ]' k


现在还剩这些个。$ W- I. d* O: \7 ^. z! H$ {

( A3 S' o" t# {$ KPostgraduate & 3 year undergraduate
" B' Y1 ?. }  H
9 J  K+ o, n; ~8 n" lBorjas: Labor Economics (4th ed)- £5
8 F  H/ j/ ]$ |Jones: Introduction to Economic Growth (2nd ed)- £10 . m( L: q7 d# n' d  M0 `( ^4 [
Romer: Advance Macroeconomics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) 8 N* l4 g: b% I1 a4 h& O
Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
1 \2 |. m6 b3 _- O- A. @3 W& U! yVarian: Microeconomic Analysis (3rd) - £15 (Almost new) , U! A* i" g7 n. p7 X
Mas-Collel, A., Whinston, M. and Green, J. Microeconomic Theory - £15 (Almost new) - ]6 ?" I4 N. a" a  V' ^
* C; G0 \9 O4 W* _4 v  UUndergraduate - 1st & 2nd year
4 y+ D  y% t4 L2 @. W. A7 \! |, K+ c3 B- \$ U7 S( T  T& d' }# c) Z/ w
Frank & Bernanke: Principles of Macro Economics (2nd ed)- £5 8 @1 v; K) }3 L, j- i
Mankiw: Principles of Economics - £10
. D6 ^# z% L# M3 S- cWooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) ( E+ H* M* d  o- e* Q
Sharpe, Alexander & Bailey: Investments (6th ed)- £5
5 ?, Z) _8 Z7 ^5 Z- BIndustrialization and Development by Hewitt, Johnson & Wield- £5
/ D$ r) O2 ?( lGriffiths and Wall: Applied Economics (9th ed)- £10
忽然卖了好几本,现在只有这些啦) [! l: D. H' P

  s* c9 w+ s4 b" D* S: @) iPostgraduate & 3 year undergraduate 1 F! h. J: Y% s  o6 e
) I2 C9 J5 _6 R6 ~
Jones: Introduction to Economic Growth (2nd ed)- £10
0 k  S- N+ b& ?Romer: Advance Macroeconomics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
) s* `, U* r8 L% YWooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
0 t9 K6 K7 b  D1 ~Varian: Microeconomic Analysis (3rd) - £15 (Almost new) $ o' T' W( h* d7 ]( V
Mas-Collel, A., Whinston, M. and Green, J. Microeconomic Theory - £15 (Almost new)
3 H  a' O0 r* y) C( G======================================================================: K2 \4 b5 u' P- _, R. `
Undergraduate - 1st & 2nd year0 U. j, A" v% t2 @/ i1 D; [# C; k( Q
+ m5 I% D* y; j3 q0 Q6 J
Frank & Bernanke: Principles of Macro Economics (2nd ed)- £5 . l5 y3 g8 D% h# z* Q1 l3 p
Mankiw: Principles of Economics - £10 $ t7 r" {" P4 p, Z4 F
Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
" Y; @5 G" o2 ~( C$ m! V3 }Sharpe, Alexander & Bailey: Investments (6th ed)- £5 % Y9 B8 ~) h# |7 |( k: d( Q1 H/ ]; g
Griffiths and Wall: Applied Economics (9th ed)- £10
  r$ R: [7 J' m" D# x
) o, f- A7 X/ Y! `' UJones: Introduction to Economic Growth (2nd ed)- £10 % W- M: O1 v* M3 h, O5 F) v9 u
Romer: Advance Macroeconomics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)  (有2本儿)