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面试会遇到的问题``作者有给应对方法 zt

面试会遇到的问题``作者有给应对方法 zt

/ W7 z$ I) q/ x  P8 t% O(1)        扼要介绍自己(Introduce yourself briefly.)至多从大学说起。他们对2+2的兴趣浓郁,要交代清学校的性质和所学课程,以此抵挡“为什麽选择这所学校”之类的问题。" C, ^5 W, B8 l* r; p8 t4 {
(2) 在计算机领域里的兴趣爱好,都用电脑做些什麽(What are your hobbies in computing domain? What do you do with your personal computer in your free time? )EL的问题,有情可原???但需要注意的是,一旦被问及时务必罗列与正申请的职位相关的爱好。如若申请“系统工程师”,围绕OS(尤以其Requirements)展开,不要涉及无关的技能(如Sports或Music等,即使这些是你的爱好,请留到最后作为‘填头’来说)。
' o' @& S% a4 w0 N/ y(2)        列举所学的科目(units),之后引申为“哪些喜欢,哪些不?”也以他们的需求为先。至于说道不喜欢的科目,这是个陷阱。化险为夷的办法如‘埋怨’讲师讲的不够深入,紧随其后强调你通过自学加深了对知识的认知和理解。旁观问到:这些科目你在中国时都学过吗,有何不同。以学过的加以巩固(enhance the understanding of what I have learnt),未及学的是对自己知识面的拓展(widen my knowledge and outlook)作答。
! `6 h  d( w% E9 Y8 i2.2,Project相关(1) 近期做过的哪些项目,你扮演什麽角色(Have you engaged in a project recently? What were you required to do? )在2nd Year时上的Project Management for Information Systems这个unit,我扮演Risk Analyst,主要职责是how to identify potential risks and reduce their negative impacts on achieving our project goals in order that our project could not be delayed, over budget, or even of failure by risk。风险管理(Risk Management)包括Risk Identification (identifying what kind of risks should be accepted or rejected),Risk Assessment (determining risks we can ignore or demand much attention for their high, medium or low possibilities of occurrence and levels of influence),Risk Response And Control (planning proper strategies and taking action to deal with risks)。以上这只是一种情形,worked in a team or worked independently皆可,当然作为IT专业出身的也可举编程经历。以“系统工程师”为例,如修改/设计系统shell或调度算法都是不错的project topic。9 D( L0 {# u: j5 x0 e
(2) 做项目期间,最不希望见到哪种人;如果(不幸)遇到,你怎样应对?(What kind of person does you least want to work with? ‘Unfortunately’, if you meet one, how will you deal with him? )实事求是为贵。如不喜欢懒散成性(is not initiative or enterprising)的组员,不喜欢不尽职尽责的同伴(someone who does not take his responsibilities)等,但同时说明自己愿意承担他的职责而保证整个项目顺利进行。
8 u  c3 J# ]  D. ](3) 遇到什麽棘手问题及处理办法?(Did you encounter something tricky in your project? How did you sort them out? )基于(1)的回答的问题。所列举的问题须充分并凸显自己的实力,不要给interviewer留下隔靴搔痒般的薄弱印象。" S+ h# w' ~8 q' }, V6 {% W( M
7 f3 K1 Y  N' J1 _) g(1) 是否有过Teamwork的经历?你的职能?最终怎样获得成功?(Did you work in a team? What were your responsibilities? How did you success in accomplishing the task? )以我在酒吧的经验为例的sample answer:Thanks to the experience gained there, it helps me make aware of providing a welcoming and friendly environment to customers, and also working under a busy but full of fun environment. We have the same aims, so we dedicate ourselves to make every effort to achieve those aims, which include keeping the high reputation of Santa Fe, making impression on customers by our fast and quality services, and making more profits for the company. They commend me for my hard work. 本问可引申为“你怎样知道自己获得了成功?他人为何觉得你突出?”
& n- }  Y3 a) v(2) 工作情况以及从中获得的经验(What have you gained from your last job?)样本回答:I am responsible for keeping bar area clean and well stocked and assisting bar tenders to serve customers, e.g. to collect and wash empty glasses, to clear and clean tables regularly, disposing empty bottles. I realize the importance to work quickly but in a pleasant manner, with a smart and tidy appearance and the ability to communicate well in a team., a1 M; i; o1 e, H: b
(3) 同事关系如何,是否喜欢在那工作(How about the relationship between you and your team-mates? )很显然,I get well along with my colleagues, and I really enjoy working there.
/ m( Z( n: a( L' ^& ](4) 此工作经历对你申请这份工作有何帮助(To what extend do you think will your current application benefit from your gained experience? )如团队合作精神(team working skill)、自主能动性(work on my own initiative)、沟通交流能力(communication skill)、守时(be punctual)及在压力下工作的能力(the ability to work under pressure)等。, e. l" c( A0 j5 c9 G
7 ]0 A, b; o2 }7 z: _* a5 J(1) 你对本公司的了解情况,毫无疑问,尽可能在其官网上搜索文化背景、运营现状、主要产品和市场定位,最重要的是信仰和理念(留意公司信息页面上的引言),说其符合自己的原则和风格,以期给面试官一种默契(的错觉)。* `  G( O7 S8 }# U* P3 M
(2) 你对所申请的职位的认识,为什麽你能胜任这份工作(What do you know about this position? Why do you think you are a competent candidate? )在招聘广告上应有职责概述,务必烂熟于心,以表现出你热中pursue该职位。并根据job description,有必要不厌其烦地重复阐述无论从学习还是工作中获得的相关的技能和能力,举例辅佐为佳。- y* _7 |. c+ L
(3) 你期望在这一年中有何收获(或:你期望本公司给你带来什麽)(What do you expect to gain in the placement year? )固然直接反应是以应聘者出发,谈及自身的改进和显彰,但我的建议是从公司利益出发,以他们雇佣你后对你的期求为重,如按时上班、受命并完满完成后主动汇报工作成果、良好的知识背景和沟通能力,奋发向上和永不言弃的做事风格等等,都该一一罗列。这是归纳总结的时段,更是画龙点睛之笔。即便前部分回答得并不理想,也不要灰心丧气——NEVER make yourself down.
9 r4 ~( s4 m- b6 @(4) 申请过其他公司的工作吗(Have you ever applied for other positions?)这对于疯狂寄送简历和covering letter的我们来说,是个狡猾的问题。不要说你被多家公司拒绝一事,除非被问及,也要表态说自己是不达目的不善罢甘休的有闯劲之人。我通常旁敲侧击地说如果找不到placement须迫不得已转专业,这种暗示我不置可否,姑且可以一试,因可表露出喜欢该专业的情绪。相应的,“为什麽喜欢该专业”也要纳入思虑的问题之列。3 h  @& f! k1 t- D7 f6 _
( V. o* r" Z2 |(1) 你的中长期的职业打算是什麽(或:毕业后的打算)(What are your short/medium/long-term plans for your careers? )小公司通常会问是否一定要进IBM/Microsoft之类的大公司发展,其目的是在试探你是否有意毕业后继而回到该公司就职。可行的回答是:As long as we get along with each other, and I am considered as being improving and contributing, and you definitely want me back, I am very glad to work for your company continuously.事实上,跳槽之势势不可挡,计划也不如变化快,有时善意的谎言是必要的。
7 d8 b. I1 R* Z(2) 你的优势和不足(What are your strengths and shortcomings? )总的原则,尽可能地把自己说得完美无瑕。任何一点瑕疵都是刺耳的,都有可能是作茧自缚的祸源。如果真不小心淌了这滩浑水,也要竭力弥补,化弊为利。譬如,你可以说自己有时(sometimes)优柔寡断,但“There has to be a trade off between efficiency and quality.”解释就是掩饰???有一条缺点就足够了,之后大段的长处,这样的处理有助于让听者留心后来的事项,并印象深刻。
, C: ]' s' |9 Q1 u) U; n9 V  X% {(3) 你的朋友怎样评价你(的为人和处事)(How will your friends describe you? )积极形容词的‘蜂拥而至’,可选如下(其中首写字母大写的为首推词):Analytical,Companionable,Conscientious,Co-operative,creative,Enthusiastic,Flexible(尤指环境适应性),Innovative,logical thinking,Organised,open-minded,optimistic,Outgoing,precise等等。: K# w9 n( g- y+ I: g9 e
2.6,其他: `9 X# l: g: u3 _
(1) 你为什麽要出国,中国人出国多吗,为什麽(多或少),尤记得我的回答和该问题被问的场合一样荒诞不经,在我看来,the question and its answer is unique to EL。; u0 f0 @0 n2 z. W' h
(2) 多少薪金你会满意(Have you thought of your annual salary? )说对累积工作经验和学习知识技能为主,对薪金不在意较为妥当。: m! a$ p. l4 t* p
(3) 给出场景(scenarios),问解决之道U是个和British Telecom合作的电信公司,我曾申请过该公司的Telephone Support Receptionist,给出的场景是如果该公司的用户致电询问他们如何将多台商用机连上宽带。该问的目的并不关注于你有多精明的办法,而是检验你是否具备在实际中简单明了地解释给用户的能力。R是个研制海军仪表设备的公司,该公司offer一个产品检测和调试的职位。面试官假定我顺利地在接连十个月中测试一应用软件,可当使用该软件的第六版时突然间有次系统崩溃,当我在bother程序员前,如何推测该版软件可能的bug位置。答案也显而易见,是根据最后一次操作,比较与前几版本的差异,缩小错误存在的范围。一般说来,场景问题不会太刁钻。要则是不能自乱方阵。如果暂时还没头绪,面试官通常会循循善诱,把握机会,决不轻言“I’m sorry. I don’t know.”
# _1 d2 w% ?+ f" r2.7,问问题, ], P3 t) _& \' o' b
在松口气前,以漂亮的问题终结:1) 请描述一个典型工作日(Could you describe a typical working day for me? )(2) 我会接受培训吗?培训的大概情形?(Will I receive any training course? What will it be? )(3) 新员工要学写什麽,对我有何要求(Are there any further requirements for new comers to join the team? )4) 贵公司的企业文化?(Could you introduce your company’s culture.)5) 什麽促使贵公司如此成功?(What spirits do prompt your company to be so successful? ). y1 j, A" T( t4 X) N! N
9 }5 s( k: u/ s3 j* _7 _I am very pleased that I was given the opportunity to attend the second interview this morning. I hope that the conversation could make the manager and you know me further.
# l, W+ z. y3 T8 xI was impressed with a sentence said by you during the first interview, which ws "John is reliable, very reliable." I not only admired him for what he had done and the commend from you,but also I was encouraged and realized that the reason why I keep on applying for the student placement is to take advantage of my knowledge, experience, abilities and skills, and then to contribute, to improve. I hope that there could be such a chance for me to be recognized and praised because of my outstanding performance. I am not inferior to other individuals, and I can even make things better. Therefore, I am keen to gain this position.
/ a2 ~7 [% Q4 p' q% e7 yAnyhow, if I cannot be given this position, I also would like to thank you and the manager. Both of you are very kind and friendly, you made me relaxed during the interview so that the two interviews are valuable and memorable for me.6 r6 g$ _2 X$ I' {( O
Thank you for your consideration