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原帖由 jackdanniel 于 2007-5-1 20:29 发表
. c5 c) p+ p* G9 y什么时候的啊? 管它呢, 咱学校肯定是前十的.哈哈. 英国比曼大好的也就OX CAM IC LSE UCL. MAN跟warwick, edinburged等绝对是同级数的. 而且我觉得TIMES排名主编JOHN O'LEARY有点神经错乱. 去年居然把MAN排到26, ...
+ i* B7 {4 b- {- k' n" t0 K) ?; F9 Q$ _# \, N( t1 P
YES! Manchester Univ should be in the top 7 in the UK and top 50 in the world now. The plan is to get into top25 in the world before 2015.
MSN/EMAIL: cnmanchester@hotmail.com