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标题: 低价卖2手书(Economics & Business) [打印本页]

作者: cat2000    时间: 2008-9-29 11:23     标题: 低价卖2手书(Economics & Business)

全曼大也找不到这么便宜的2手书呀!Contact: 077 8685 8456。 要买的请发短信给这个号码。在 Arthur Lewis Building, Ground floor 取书。详细目录见下。
$ h, W  L, Z1 Y; M1 s% {; T+ U& J9 H! w2 ~  m1 C3 b3 q
BOOK SALE (Economics & Business)
6 P+ y7 k9 a6 A2 {, Y1. Postgraduate & 3 year undergraduate 3 v6 _  F- O: [+ s  Q, `7 i( |
Borjas: Labor Economics (4th ed)- £5
( b* \8 b/ \6 V# }6 u: Q1 a6 fJones: Introduction to Economic Growth (2nd ed)- £10
/ v" X! Y# _* P7 U. [Romer: Advance Macroeconomics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
, o9 Y% H0 m( M- l8 V2 ^Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) / E9 H! q% C" @4 G; i* ~$ x& {
Mas-Collel, A., Whinston, M. and Green, J. Microeconomic Theory - £15 (Almost new) 2 M2 \: m, i1 ], K' A
2. Undergraduate - 1st & 2nd year
* i; U, J+ I- g- L5 d6 v" Y# t! XFrank & Bernanke: Principles of Macro Economics (2nd ed)- £5
% }$ ~; w4 q: [& GMankiw: Principles of Economics - £10 2 j- f: x$ D, F! i  J+ F
Blanchard: Macroeconomics (3rd ed)- £10 5 W- r. p. y- W# D
Sydsæter, Knut and Peter Hammond: Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) : B5 L  p3 S3 z
Varian: Microeconomics (6th ed)- £15 (Almost new)
1 ]1 ^" f  S  N7 ^Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
3 U, I* m8 w2 MPalepu, Healy & Bernard: Business Analysis & Valuation (3rd)- £5
5 ~! C! B2 K- v: t( X1 P; j& c& rSharpe, Alexander & Bailey: Investments (6th ed)- £5
% r/ f2 I. s0 X2 CIndustrialization and Development by Hewitt, Johnson & Wield- £5
1 x  F2 L2 y- m/ S/ `' ?Griffiths and Wall: Applied Economics (9th ed)- £10
作者: 7177    时间: 2008-9-29 18:28

作者: cat2000    时间: 2008-9-30 12:02     标题: 更新书单

; f: ~9 S- O- ^) j
: E& o; h& L; h/ h$ r6 U; Y9 p现在更新书单,其他的昨天已经卖出啦。卖£5的是不太干净的(比如说有画过一些线)。 £10和 £15的基本上是新的,贱卖的原因是因为是以前的版本。
% q5 W& D3 x' m6 R3 O  k2 Q! [) A
3 Q' ~% m1 g3 M2 [. }% u
8 J- K8 U- d( t$ i) d3 D' cPostgraduate & 3 year undergraduate
9 h$ x8 R+ Z$ r( p. Z3 A+ s: m; ?2 [  j, V# r
Borjas: Labor Economics (4th ed)- £5 , l4 g: r& r. @0 p
Jones: Introduction to Economic Growth (2nd ed)- £10 - S2 k) t) [- y$ i& x0 ^
Romer: Advance Macroeconomics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
1 d1 X8 {4 `0 eWooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
( t: \: i* H/ |0 Y9 i1 KVarian: Microeconomic Analysis (3rd) - £15 (Almost new)
3 u6 I  D. F0 u2 t/ m0 jMas-Collel, A., Whinston, M. and Green, J. Microeconomic Theory - £15 (Almost new) 8 H2 Y4 q0 U; g$ q
======================================================================7 }! P) O* r5 g: Q# U$ V1 ]6 {
Undergraduate - 1st & 2nd year$ \9 m$ e1 X# q- I9 W

3 t% q/ `. A+ ^1 l4 c, K9 r. M$ U1 x- w- lFrank & Bernanke: Principles of Macro Economics (2nd ed)- £5   l3 [& d1 b3 C! ~0 O
Mankiw: Principles of Economics - £10
3 C; L1 |7 u1 t2 R- nBlanchard: Macroeconomics (3rd ed)- £10 ' U8 S; K" D! O6 h' t
Sydsæter, Knut and Peter Hammond: Essential Mathematics for 0 n7 v. k7 E( s- Q; l9 V) H
Economic Analysis (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
, ^/ l& m) q+ W6 ~# K: UVarian: Microeconomics (6th ed)- £15 (Almost new)
3 v# l4 a& S7 H' K, ~3 z7 M' _7 ~Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
0 q. z3 f1 ]' o; W& _4 QSharpe, Alexander & Bailey: Investments (6th ed)- £5
. S' X6 ?. Y# {" x. A6 Y  WIndustrialization and Development by Hewitt, Johnson & Wield- £5 / T. ]* C" \! i
Griffiths and Wall: Applied Economics (9th ed)- £10
作者: cat2000    时间: 2008-10-1 15:24     标题: 再次更新

又卖出了一些。现在还剩这些个。; j" ]' g8 ^" P4 o* B, ]
% @0 S, ~; }& \
Postgraduate & 3 year undergraduate
5 W3 ?% k3 s0 [; B
' [/ {" y+ j  a2 h; l6 h% w2 N$ oBorjas: Labor Economics (4th ed)- £5
3 p/ w+ q* f  b8 }, o4 {Jones: Introduction to Economic Growth (2nd ed)- £10 1 f7 N3 g' @( z, \
Romer: Advance Macroeconomics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) : F2 i) w* j6 S, g
Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
5 M0 @3 O0 e- m7 Q2 t! [4 `7 [9 ?Varian: Microeconomic Analysis (3rd) - £15 (Almost new)
% P! j& j! k) z6 ~! V: \+ @/ `8 BMas-Collel, A., Whinston, M. and Green, J. Microeconomic Theory - £15 (Almost new) 2 m# U9 o. x! @: Y/ [
3 ?( w  c* L. r+ q. XUndergraduate - 1st & 2nd year
2 O  g" h; L) W3 G- K
% m8 w& E4 d$ G4 O; L% p# l- l& QFrank & Bernanke: Principles of Macro Economics (2nd ed)- £5
. y6 L3 ]+ }8 |5 v5 e3 yMankiw: Principles of Economics - £10 . u0 Q; m4 j1 t" ?7 c+ @
Blanchard: Macroeconomics (3rd ed)- £10
0 G2 Q/ T" J- s; S7 r3 U& HWooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
) k7 T2 A( C# G( P7 @; M8 s- vSharpe, Alexander & Bailey: Investments (6th ed)- £5
: r- Z+ L) o+ d: C6 i' FIndustrialization and Development by Hewitt, Johnson & Wield- £5
3 W( {% g9 R1 zGriffiths and Wall: Applied Economics (9th ed)- £10
作者: chsh123    时间: 2008-10-3 12:35     标题: 买书

我想买Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)
' I  ^( a, \2 o5 u. xQQ:973488287
' e1 B& M% w- O3 I请与我联系!
作者: cat2000    时间: 2008-10-3 14:15     标题: 更新

: M6 I9 ?3 c% u7 ]+ k* }; \
7 `! }4 S  u' yPostgraduate & 3 year undergraduate
0 n5 `+ C3 [: b4 g1 {$ q4 a$ H! I: K. x: m3 A9 D* J; ?8 j& C
Borjas: Labor Economics (4th ed)- £5
. J' ]/ a+ A& SJones: Introduction to Economic Growth (2nd ed)- £10 2 s! ~) u$ w# {0 l. ]6 r/ h
Romer: Advance Macroeconomics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) + H; c- Z- ], M% S% D" ~
Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) : q5 z* J% g9 W0 P- O0 V0 x
Varian: Microeconomic Analysis (3rd) - £15 (Almost new)
  o4 i6 l: t- L, UMas-Collel, A., Whinston, M. and Green, J. Microeconomic Theory - £15 (Almost new)
3 N: o+ Z, c* F% g======================================================================
; D7 B% j2 o: l! G: L, MUndergraduate - 1st & 2nd year9 G  e0 C1 {/ I. L" p

2 d, Q* u4 Y2 ~- U3 ^& V4 e& ?( fFrank & Bernanke: Principles of Macro Economics (2nd ed)- £5 # \$ ]+ v$ Q, q0 K' Q) d. @
Mankiw: Principles of Economics - £10
- _. Y+ Y1 ^, X' @2 qWooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) ; @/ {. Q+ F4 l( z% S
Sharpe, Alexander & Bailey: Investments (6th ed)- £5
1 y8 {9 s9 Q6 I( \. \9 FIndustrialization and Development by Hewitt, Johnson & Wield- £5 # X& z- h. Z  n% k6 I
Griffiths and Wall: Applied Economics (9th ed)- £10
作者: cat2000    时间: 2008-10-3 15:36

( }" b3 ]7 `7 k+ l& @+ t8 Z4 t8 I/ r7 O; u4 K2 T
Postgraduate & 3 year undergraduate 7 ]" F& ^3 F) l" A) g) ~7 h7 Q9 P
' g( V  `# c" e1 K
Jones: Introduction to Economic Growth (2nd ed)- £10 # Q) E0 I9 t# q! }. A4 ]
Romer: Advance Macroeconomics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) , y; i  D! L6 f( W
Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) - J! |( }0 N" L1 x  Q. _  F
Varian: Microeconomic Analysis (3rd) - £15 (Almost new)
, |( w+ V* k5 S; j- \4 y4 FMas-Collel, A., Whinston, M. and Green, J. Microeconomic Theory - £15 (Almost new) : N) B9 `8 {# j" f- m% _. w
======================================================================6 Z- b. @" K' Z$ B. \1 A
Undergraduate - 1st & 2nd year( D8 G% K$ d  b' s1 f! ^" R* L

7 c6 _1 d, B. N5 x( QFrank & Bernanke: Principles of Macro Economics (2nd ed)- £5
* n" h" W8 C2 q5 d6 E' f( f6 ZMankiw: Principles of Economics - £10 % J: i5 [5 Z, O/ b* k  r
Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new) - }1 a9 }5 _2 [# O
Sharpe, Alexander & Bailey: Investments (6th ed)- £5 & d9 x1 N/ F" I+ `, _- _
Griffiths and Wall: Applied Economics (9th ed)- £10
作者: cat2000    时间: 2008-10-11 11:05

最近很忙,没有及时更新。真是不好意思。大部分的书已经卖完了。只有这几本还在。7 I4 ]) [, p# }( _

; F$ b8 k+ E* ~" R4 s  z1 @2 z) rJones: Introduction to Economic Growth (2nd ed)- £10   l! N5 m8 m' P* W+ L' q* ]4 S0 Z
Romer: Advance Macroeconomics (2nd ed)- £15 (Almost new)  (有2本儿)

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