今天刚拿到宿舍通知,一个whitworth park的房间要4000磅/年
谢谢!作者: Ming 时间: 2008-8-2 20:47
where you can find this price?50-60磅/周. tell me, tell me~作者: Kat 时间: 2008-8-2 20:54
the price inculde everything, you do not need to worry about water bill, electric bill, gas bill, internet. The £50-60 rent will not include any of these.
Just for your information, the gas price just increase by 30%.作者: gaofengmark 时间: 2008-8-2 20:55
是52周吗?如果包Bill,还可以,毕竟曼城比较乱,住学校宿舍安全作者: Ming 时间: 2008-8-2 20:56
'the price inculde everything, you do not need to worry about water bill, electric bill, gas bill, internet. The £50-60 rent will not include any of these.
Just for your information, the gas price just increase by 30%.'
binggo~~~~~~~bill is the point作者: Ming 时间: 2008-8-2 20:57 标题: 回复 4# 等级:劳动工人 的帖子
you should see the price in London. Man Uni's price is so cheap, sigh~作者: pocketstars 时间: 2008-8-3 07:36 标题: 回复 6# 等级:副经理 的帖子