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标题: 新生求助~~关于Msc申phd~还需要语言成绩吗? [打印本页]

作者: ziwei_s    时间: 2008-7-30 09:30     标题: 新生求助~~关于Msc申phd~还需要语言成绩吗?

/ d/ x# g- x  F; x% v( m4 R% V还有,申phd的时候还需要语言成绩吗?我那个过期了......
作者: Ming    时间: 2008-7-30 09:42

at the end of you MSc year, you can begin to find phD supervisor. no need to 陶瓷 now~~~
作者: ziwei_s    时间: 2008-7-31 04:43     标题: ...

  m0 J! G9 s2 J. r1 P3 m6 S/ \Msc快要结束了才申会不会太晚,钱钱已经被分完了...?- _( q6 ]& o/ j
作者: Ming    时间: 2008-7-31 10:33     标题: 回复 3# 等级:无业游民 的帖子

normally dont need language marks....since you already be Man Uni's student for one year.
% `! N1 i& P/ E. J+ D) i. a! o' D4 _- C4 l3 ^) Z' ~
You can always check website to see when it has money, and apply it, no problem~~.....and of course you can contact with your dream teacher as early as you want (be friend...tao ci tao ci )...
; r2 i  j% P! q3 E- R
- ]1 o. b2 X( u( c! Lin fact, at the end of MSc, you will need to chose a teacher as your supervisor to help you finish your dissertation. You can contact your dream teacher or research group, and ask him to be your supervisor (if he is on the choice list). This is the best way to get phD.......8 [- j7 C- Q! @% H
  _. E9 _% B/ d, }
or, even you are allocated to an unexpect teacher as your supervisor, you still can build good relationship with him and talk to him about that you want to apply BALABALA's phD. Normally,...if this supervisor think you are good...and he is kind...he will help you and recommend you to that teacher.0 {# ~- T% r6 C! K

, o0 t( r, j$ S* qthe worst, maybe you can get a phD position from this supervisor..... @" ?9 x7 t& S& \, w/ b+ K/ g
. G, \) G& S  h  l* b. Q
Sure you can also contact other professors during this MSc dissertation time. Normally money comes at this time.
# y* N9 d! ~' b7 _
% z7 F/ a9 W* d( i% ]% F( F6 Psorry for this poor english -___-
" D! W. o" s4 ?+ Q/ m" R6 N: }6 q: P( B* y4 X) @0 g5 c- x
wo hao xiang shuo zhong wen a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
作者: Ming    时间: 2008-7-31 10:37     标题: 回复 1# 等级:无业游民 的帖子

or maybe you can start at the middle of second semester.  w0 v  T& i1 ^/ L6 h, U

/ I( K4 Y, Y$ n1 i" Athe point is, many profs want your MSc marks as condition. So you cannot apply to early....
作者: ziwei_s    时间: 2008-7-31 11:35     标题: ~~~~~

哈哈~原来是不能打中文...还真可爱...1 ]  f8 p/ ~( z) {% {* I, r4 I. }: }, |
/ V. ~$ I4 F( O再问前辈一句,知不知道Vaughan House住得怎样啊...: E/ a" z  a7 L
我是过来学biotech...看那里离Life Science的什么SimonBuilding比较近就选那里...可是刚在论坛上看到有人说那里很 吓人...
作者: karen225    时间: 2008-7-31 14:02

作者: Ming    时间: 2008-8-1 01:06     标题: 回复 7# 等级:临时职员 的帖子

I have no idea about MBS' phD, looks like not easy to get money from Prof....Im from dont know MBS.../ X+ l( @9 `  Y, m

5 F( F6 v, l6 z( u6 e2 h* mBut if you can pay by's very easy to apply~~
作者: Ming    时间: 2008-8-1 01:09     标题: 回复 6# 等级:无业游民 的帖子

Vaughan House...em....I never heard this house before...
2 I$ c+ |" I3 r+ F9 j: v2 Z( Q; `& Y6 a
Simon building is very near New Hall, and not far from Withworth Park, these two are both OK.
) y7 C7 }1 |: U& `" z1 rNew Hall has bathroom in each room, withworth Park is shared bathroom but has nice, beautiful green enviroment.....
作者: ziwei_s    时间: 2008-8-1 04:20     标题: 回复 9# 等级:副经理 的帖子

; \$ m. l& B5 {8 d. ]那个Vaughan House看地图好象就在Simon Building正后面.../ d  s8 G# v1 u
我2nd choice是WWP...现在倒希望被分到这个...
作者: Ming    时间: 2008-8-1 09:42     标题: 回复 10# 等级:无业游民 的帖子

welcome, welcome, hahahah# N1 O9 a! c9 F

8 j, _0 x4 S$ ^  [+ K, O& ?! Lgood luck~~

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