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标题: 有拿conditional offer去报到的么 [打印本页]

作者: sky_manchester    时间: 2007-7-31 14:39     标题: 有拿conditional offer去报到的么

9 y, x- C. ]$ H! ~) g3 U% i8 U
) L9 n4 ?5 v, ]说明一下的是,我第一年的生活费是没问题的,至于以后的钱,需要一年一年的给。这个资金证明是要我现在就能证明我能在曼彻斯特待3年。- x  o4 P' D) {) N' J
  P) l8 c% h+ {" I! I/ S; [0 ?
如果我直接拿这个conditional offer去报到,会有什么后果啊。。。。。。
作者: charlie    时间: 2007-7-31 15:15

You have to get unconditional offer to entry.5 i, e& |7 w5 B, D' m& v

0 S* T3 R2 h( V# [) l6 t! E7 G0 UYou may change your conditoinal offer to unconditional offer in the UK. But you must get unconditional offer before you register.
作者: charlie    时间: 2007-7-31 20:09

楼主太有点担忧了。你的那些证明是没有问题的。拿去签证,拿到签证就过来。. b+ A) M* M8 S/ p( i& T
4 v1 p8 m  G6 G" g. U  ?! H
你把那些情况写清楚。应该没有问题的。透露你一个消息,但是现在管MBS的RESEARCH STUDENT的小秘相当忙!N多人找她有事。人在曼大的都找不到她。你抓紧时间打电话吧。。。邮件的话,一周回你一次都很正常。! W- _' E# I- K2 k8 u  ~4 t

' L2 y6 ?0 a# l* N- \% Z- D' }2 D校方资料显示,MBS的博士在全球商学院博士里排第二(注意,不是MBA,是PHD)。而你不仅能拿到OFFER还能拿到这么多奖。已经很优秀了。
作者: flying    时间: 2007-7-31 22:08

作者: sky_manchester    时间: 2007-8-1 01:58     标题: 回复 #3 charlie 的帖子

& u" [2 x8 X" n9 i我刚刚得知我的签证已经签过了。
+ F3 k+ e, V. ?7 A9 X: b* ]但是如我贴子里所说,我的offer还是conditional的,我现在无法把它换成unconditional的,因为我无法提供它要求的additional的1w英镑左右的钱,我现在担心我拿conditional offer无法报到,无法注册。
0 o! \  b  U9 P3 A' x4 K另外,我手里还有一个offer response forms booklet,按要求应该是8月1号以前寄到曼大,同时还要交500英镑的押金。但是由于我一直都很担心的签证问题,我一直没寄。不知道会不会有什么影响。3 n8 M$ k9 M9 o' {8 d+ \
  P; x- Q9 M& U# n. R2 M1 M按你的经验,你觉得我上面两个担忧有道理么?如果有,我应该怎么应对,能给一些建议么?3 N- [; O& v3 E3 M; `- m' S
多谢。  P. {+ d* r1 c0 u+ D! ]
" Y0 W( r" w8 `% L7 J
[ 本帖最后由 sky_manchester 于 2007-8-1 03:01 编辑 ]
作者: darkblade    时间: 2007-8-1 02:55

作者: sky_manchester    时间: 2007-8-1 05:03

学校说除了我已经得到的funding外,要把offer换成unconditional的,必须还要提供1w英镑的证明。。。( c5 X3 h" }9 Z. R+ {* D
真不明白,签证都过了,学校为什么还要。。。。。。2 C- t: }  G& n  W# b4 F# h# i
作者: charlie    时间: 2007-8-1 11:40

原帖由 sky_manchester 于 2007-8-1 06:03 发表
# ]0 f+ ]1 b" F& J/ U5 S学校说除了我已经得到的funding外,要把offer换成unconditional的,必须还要提供1w英镑的证明。。。# T2 k: r( [# s( v: c- y
真不明白,签证都过了,学校为什么还要。。。。。。* i6 J5 a) M3 @4 T/ r5 O/ i6 ~2 r
而且听口气,不提供,就不能转成unconditional的。。。 ...
# T" T4 J% c; e. m2 V2 @/ ~. C2 C
; i8 E4 w% O' P% J6 K7 E! ^7 [9 Z, M' |# N" e  W
There is really no need to worry about this..5 a' S' S# J! J9 A. G

* ]7 b* e. e% DAlthough the PhD in MBS is hard to apply, and harder to get studentship, but I think there is no problem. Ask your superviser to write a letter to the seceratary. Ask help from your superviser.
; _6 k; g# K+ ]; [- c) Z1 ]  l; }  q8 f! F
Or, don't worry, you have got the visa , right?  buy the flight, and come to manchester now. will be a better solution. Talk with them face to face.4 U  f0 s3 K" S' t# U* K) ~
- D- O7 }6 Q1 b6 r( C+ I$ N& h
By the way, what I can tell, is , MBS is very strict with some chinese students, if you are lucky, you will be treated very nice and whose lanuage is below required level will be transfered to uncontional if you came to language course without any test. If you are unlucky, even some students who get the conditional offer and come to MBS for language course will be told " there is no hope for u to get unconditional"  They have lots of students waiting by....! \- ?* T  S. f; i

* V  N. f- E* p* M: @; n: CWith regard to your situation, what I can suggest, is trying to ask your superviser for help, trying to ring the admission office of MBS, trying to buy flights and come here ASAP.  The university has a extremely low efficiency during the summer holidays. Even we are in the campus we can not find some staff as they are extremely busy during these days or on holiday.
# s* S# H, l8 M5 a) ~, ?
3 N. _: h4 X" i( g, e  @& S& ]If you didn't show up and register, your place and funding may be transfered to somebody else who is on waiting list. Anyway, you should have no problem, you worried too much. 0 O7 H1 e. W- \4 q& F1 T

% g6 p3 ?( W8 ]/ w( w) s! ?By the way, you don't have 1w pounds?  borrow them from your friends or family, put them in bank, fax the receipt.' U1 \4 Y- J6 r9 J

6 Y1 @6 q7 u* ?6 Y+ m6 |% Acome on, lucky man!
作者: sky_manchester    时间: 2007-8-1 11:50     标题: 回复 #8 charlie 的帖子

thanks for your reply.* B2 k2 Y( R& [# h/ O+ a' U) T
1 H0 v  ]2 ]1 F" Q9 [: }: |
呵呵,我去了后,MBS不会因为我的offer是conditional的,不让我注册,把我赶回中国来吧,呵呵。0 `9 P4 S* z) M0 s
by the way, “ring the admission offer of MBS”??啥意思,呵呵,没看懂。。。
作者: sky_manchester    时间: 2007-8-1 11:51

我知道我是worry too much了,但是鉴于我的背景和经历,我不得不谨慎谨慎再谨慎,呵呵
作者: charlie    时间: 2007-8-1 11:56

原帖由 sky_manchester 于 2007-8-1 12:50 发表 + U) K. P/ u! t8 F! u0 l' d3 s
thanks for your reply.: b% S. x6 \1 F4 B2 A; B" X7 y6 P

. u8 S. T7 P/ T5 F& ]呵呵,我去了后,MBS不会因为我的offer是conditional的,不让我注册,把我赶回中国来吧,呵呵。
% N. Z" ]: g8 Nby the way, “ring the admission offer of MBS”??啥意思,呵呵,没看懂。。。
# n: w$ K4 `1 \, o" g4 t7 l; _, d
Lucky man, you really worried to much.  You have superviser , right ?  He is your boss, not the office, some admission things are just through a process... unless your superviser is too weak, there should be no problem.1 r7 ^( o! R5 e/ b3 t- {0 W
' |$ w8 K. \+ D& W- K
By the way, MBS is extremely busy and in a highly low efficiency during these days.+ Y4 P0 U+ H2 `. }

( Z( C" V4 X( C! e  H; oMBS is the best school in the university, you should know that, they have its own website, which is  not the university one, and the own email is as well....   Good school should be more difficult to process somethings, because it " niu "
! K3 }6 w) T) b& }/ U
+ D; o# _  F" W0 l* ?) w6 eCall them if you want immediately answers.
作者: sky_manchester    时间: 2007-8-1 11:59

many thanks......
作者: sky_manchester    时间: 2007-8-2 10:19

作者: charlie    时间: 2007-8-2 10:21


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