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标题: 麻烦大家帮忙做个问卷啊。。。。 [打印本页]

作者: 面面包    时间: 2009-7-19 09:48     标题: 麻烦大家帮忙做个问卷啊。。。。

% l7 b/ r9 I% u3 V2 j3 ]5 O8 e7 t* d能麻烦大家帮忙做做这份关于手机上网和性格的问卷吗?
& w8 U. q4 g/ l1 D& Z以下是链接。。。。" r$ p/ l* k6 m
5 B" o4 `& r; j) [6 K% l
Do you have a mobile phone?
6 f% i5 \; L7 W0 \2 r1 {: yDo you want to find out more about your personality?
/ b5 A. J7 u* U6 z. Z: g9 TDo you want to win a prize of £50 cash? 5 Q: u$ q7 s7 ~+ Q1 c2 H* x! _( l
Sounds great?
, m! z0 f. Q% P1 Q' }Then why not click the link, and fill out the survey questionnaire?
$ J9 }- b: z& ]3 `4 ?# S* K
  N( L, X2 t8 v7 x5 V6 e% d  W, P  Z: w9 p
It is about your personality and mobile phone. If you take part in this survey, you can receive your profile of personality. Also, there is a chance to win a prize of £50. You can choose to keep the cash, or donate it to the charity.
6 Y  s' U$ L6 W) y! MSounds great?5 B5 W5 e: z) _5 ]
Then click the link above, and fill out the survey.
$ b7 O7 W% A7 G8 ]

* L# _' h; K$ r9 Z) j/ r+ f! ]1 p- N一万个感谢啊。。。。
作者: 面面包    时间: 2009-7-23 12:52

因为SAMPLE 需要的量比较大。。。麻烦大家帮个忙了。。。9 ?- B/ i4 ]& Y+ j

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