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Techonology Cooperation

Techonology Cooperation

Our company is a big packaging machienry manufacturer in east china, most of our products are
0 w  p/ F/ i7 o! Z9 p* A9 J8 ~6 texported to EU And North and South America.
1 L: V1 z0 ^: b8 J4 _' b# \As the demands of internatinal market and domestic technology limited, now we are seek ing
0 i: C2 m  e, }2 |  e9 Kfor overseas technology cooperation.    Details:
8 a8 P5 r' l# w) _2 F/ U1.Offer Technology solution(Help solving the clients' demands)
8 l) j; t0 d2 r) c) F) y2.Offer Latest Technology.
: C. U& g3 `8 w$ ?1 l3.Importing Technology.
( M5 {" r. Y# V  B4. Offer Technology solution to solve the technology difficulty.
1 e; ^. E, h1 X3 h; k  letc.# B+ \/ v; W/ x* X3 i; r# d, K  O
, Z# Y' K. T' i) ?  p1.提供技术方案(根据客户要求设计方案)" N' B/ U1 x. s, y6 v6 [* I8 [7 X
2.提供最新技术/ K1 U# s+ q6 [; I0 s5 \/ `# G
4 X0 q4 W2 ?6 i, k' |4 I, z4.解决技术难题2 `) D7 X2 V. @5 Q3 \/ I. M

: H% S& b2 s) Z& zNeed:# e) V$ i0 O. Q' D
1. Engineer who has been working as a designer or debuger for packaging machinery, knows the 0 k; z, z  n2 s) \% X& H
latest packaging machinery technology.
; t9 P9 e0 }) T/ i) w2.Mechanical or engineering students who are good at these technology.
. [9 W/ E* R9 T- o0 oetc.
1 B* b  ^0 N: `6 w/ ?! j+ ~要求:
' N9 Y; c, s  Z; ^! p- [1.在国外包装机械行业有设计和制造经验的工程师,了解最新的包装机械制造技术  k) ]: ?; ]" j7 }+ v
2. 机械,工程专业的学生。* e: V; i2 D7 J6 ^) V& k) _) W
This job can be permanent or temporary, if you are interested in it , please contact at:' j/ K; Z7 @6 y  i  ?
Contact: Mr.Cao% {7 |* \9 V# {* F5 E" c/ Q' h0 `
Phone:86-577-56965688-80052 e3 I( b9 m$ M0 N
Email:cajndon@gmail.com or cnpack@rigao.com
" [# a1 {( H5 `- V4 g- _Web:www.rigao.com
$ F, m- }( \" B温州(中国)日高包装机械有限公司
: y+ M+ K- H: j2 @& HWenzhou(CHINA) Rigao Packing Machinery CO.ltd