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Part-time sales job at ADFLB Creative Ltd

Part-time sales job at ADFLB Creative Ltd

本帖最后由 Yongs.admin 于 2009-9-18 10:59 编辑 4 _+ M& Z6 {) f5 ~# Y

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ADFLB Creative Ltd(www.adflb.co.uk) is an agency network, focusing on marketing, printing,website design and multimedia design. We are looking for hardworkingindividuals who want to have a part-time job and gain experience in marketing.# \$ K8 S8 O2 y/ d7 `

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Part-time sales (promoting a restaurantguide)

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-Driving license with insurance(applicants with own cars preferred)

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5 N, [% P5 Y$ a$ @6 [


Commission based
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Application Deadline: 25/09/09 Friday 16:00

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2 m( b1 ~' a' e$ @0 G

The first interview will begin on 15/09/09. If you are interested, pleasesend your CV to admin@youngsinvestment.com, wewill contact you as soon as possible.
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ADFLB Creative Ltd.
