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版块介绍: 各种有关曼大的信息,申请咨询etc.

版主: 7177, ajissuper159, lydiogj



<FONT color=#3300ff>本版仅限讨论曼大的情况,事情,学习,交流等。如果有生活问题请发到 本站的 曼城生活互助 版块,如有 物品交易请发到二手市场,如果有其它非曼大的咨询和问题,也请发到相应版块。谢谢!</FONT>


    标题 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
common   关于预科求助~ kikizhuo 2008-9-15 1/1191 kikizhuo 2008-9-16 18:44
common   plz,求助victoria hall(UBS) Lena 2009-9-18 1/1770 6000 2009-9-19 12:20
common   求购HRD(school of environment and development)的书籍,笔记,讲义等 chj1231 2008-8-27 1/1190 chj1231 2008-9-18 21:11
common   谁知道MSc Chinese Business and Management fuxiangkai 2008-9-19 1/1224 234323233 2008-9-19 17:36
common   宿舍连xbox360? forrest 2008-9-23 1/1177 234323233 2008-9-23 12:12
common   求MSC: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN专业书 winters703 2008-9-21 1/1155 waerqty 2008-9-23 23:08
common   宿舍的网,xbox360 连不live? forrest 2008-9-25 1/1177 234323233 2008-9-26 22:07
common   送录像带 6000 2008-9-28 1/1118 7177 2008-9-29 09:05
common   明天就要注册医生 意大利面娃娃 2009-9-22 1/2502 ajissuper159 2009-9-22 21:23
common   曼城有二手书店吗? karen225 2008-10-1 1/1869 kaufman 2008-10-2 18:56
common   换宿舍,急 liuz1219 2008-9-30 1/1231 kaufman 2008-10-2 19:00
common   求购Commercial Management of Projects的书 godlovearan286 2008-10-2 1/1717 freedom 2008-10-3 08:44
common   请教银行取现 yea158 2008-10-17 1/1163 yea158 2008-10-18 06:44
common   哪里有纯正英国佬帮忙改正特短文 天寒小苏苏 2008-10-18 1/1235 lalalala 2008-10-19 22:34
common   请求帮助!!! 桔子红了 2008-10-20 1/1176 桔子红了 2008-10-21 03:14
common   大家READING week都什么时候啊? xiaopan 2008-10-22 1/1675 fursfur 2008-10-22 00:31
common   賣economics by parkin, powell, matthews.(2005) 95%新 angelloveu 2008-10-23 1/1098 angelloveu 2008-10-23 19:55
common   求助 season_sun1984 2008-10-31 1/1779 fursfur 2008-10-31 03:08
common   曼大qq群 alanzhang1121 2008-10-27 1/1830 sllygzy8910 2008-11-19 18:19
common Icon320 想买2本书啊 sunandsky 2009-9-26 1/1494 喵喵 2009-9-27 11:05
common   曼大本科有语言读吗 lalalala 2008-11-28 1/1896 tobomao007 2008-11-29 03:15
common   怎么找曼彻斯特的校友???我很急切地找一个人!! zm63454199 2008-11-25 1/1963 happyman 2008-12-2 12:49
common   求助各位哥哥姐姐!! kellina1989 2008-12-3 1/1572 matterofcourse 2008-12-4 13:22
common   求助 star 2008-12-8 1/1320 fsl 2008-12-9 01:12
common   卖电饭锅、转换器 brucecui 2008-12-13 1/1185 amy_xiao 2008-12-13 23:24
common   转让GSB学生宿舍 lukexin 2008-12-8 1/2032 guoliang 2008-12-14 10:01
common   求租Michael Smith building(M13 9PT)附近的房子 guoliang 2008-12-14 1/1921 anna707250 2008-12-14 17:33
Lock   曼大undergraduate的邮箱后缀是啥? asdfgraf 2008-12-21 1/1991 CandyBox 2008-12-21 01:31
common   请指教关于出入境体检的问题!谢谢! kellina1989 2008-12-22 1/1143 6000 2008-12-22 21:21
common   曼城周边的工厂店 gonghaoming 2008-12-27 1/1185 gonghaoming 2008-12-27 11:40
common   求助:Human Resouce management(international development)专业相关问题 christin 2008-12-26 1/1187 Ritalee 2008-12-27 15:12
common   请问IT service centre在那里? felixielts 2009-9-30 1/1536 zjffly 2009-10-1 12:00
common   有没有人住weston hall red core? mumusum 2009-9-1 1/2073 郁嵐Y小姐 2009-9-28 22:21
common   关于语言——请问大家去英国多久拜托语言障碍? frt0321 2008-12-29 1/1242 7177 2008-12-29 22:13
common   春节好 lnbig 2009-1-25 1/1002 sam 2009-1-26 01:36
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